Refugee Rights are Human Rights
Show your support for refugees and people forced to flee
Globally, 3 in 4 people support the human right to seek safety from war, violence, and persecution. UNHCR is calling for ongoing solidarity to protect and defend the rights of all refugees, without discrimination.
Despite so much xenophobia and apparent polarization in the world, despite the erosion of public empathy and trust, you and millions like you, care.
A new survey by IPSOS and UNHCR’s Hope Away from Home campaign shows that 73% of adults worldwide – three-quarters of the global population – believe that people fleeing war or persecution should have the right to seek safety.
When you stand up for refugee rights, you join a powerful global community of millions who share your compassion and commitment to justice. Together, we are a movement for hope and humanity.
Add your name below and show the world we stand united.
sadsa asda 3 days ago
signed Support the call for a Federal Minister for Children
To give children a dedicated voice in federal decision-making.
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