Not out of the woods

Earlier this year Australia managed to avoid a Unesco recommendation urging the Great Barrier Reef’s status be moved to “in danger”. A dozen countries called the move “highly inappropriate” and are pushing to have the reef’s world heritage status review – again.

Indigenous artifacts stuck in museums

With 39,000 Indigenous artifacts identified in UK museums, the call to return them to Australia is gaining traction. But the process to get them back is not as simple as you might think. Here, we look at Australia’s long-lost artifacts that are stuck in limbo…

Where to from here?

Depending on your news source, COP26 was either a grand fiasco or a great success. Much has been said about Australia’s failure to commit to (m)any concrete targets, but what did the Glasgow COP26 climate change summit actually achieve? We’ve got the lowdown for you.

Raise the age proposal slammed by experts

VMers, we have spoken out about raising the legal incarceration age many times. And this week Australia’s Attorneys-General agreed to develop a proposal to raise the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 12. But is it enough? We think not.

Australia taken to task on the environmental policy

We are used to outperforming on the world stage, in entertainment, Sports, the Arts, Business, we Australians like to picture ourselves as punching above our weight. Unfortunately, when it comes to climate policy, we rank 60th out of 60 countries on Climate Change policy.

Is Green Hydrogen really green?

In a week were the NSW govt has trumpeted its new Green H2 strategy, we try and find some answers to the question – is it really green, and will it help us speed up the decarbonisation of our planet?

Lucky country becomes unlucky last

The IPCC’s climate change report revealed that 1.5 degrees warming, the threshold beyond which fires, droughts, floods and cyclones become severe and frequent, is only 10 years away. With Australia already dealing with 1.4 degrees warming, what can we do?

Stunning whale footage

Let’s just park the latest case numbers for a moment and look at something beautiful and heart-warming. This year, citizen scientists have captured footage of southern right whales off the east coast, using drones to capture headshots of the endangered mammal. The results are stunning.

Long run to equality

With the Tokyo Olympics set to go ahead, the focus has once again shifted to its athletes, specifically to its female cohort. Why? This year’s Olympics will feature the most female athletes ever while the body has symbolically appointed 12 women to its executive board. Hype or monumental shift? We let you decide.

Here we go again

And just like that, half the Australian population is stuck at home again. Having lockdown fatigue (thinking of you, Melbourne) and wondering how to get through this latest episode of Groundhog Day? Here are some ways to help you stay on the right side of sanity.