On “outsourcing” parenting

Recent suggestions by members of the Coalition that “women are outsourcing parenting” by sending their kids to childcare is archaic and unhelpful. Parents are critical but young children need relationships with others to develop social and cognitive skills. Quality childcare also removes barriers for women to re-enter the workforce.
The reef’s “in danger” listing

The Great Barrier Reef could be added to the World Heritage Sites’ “in danger” list, warned UNESCO earlier this week. The announcement landed suddenly and government ministers were immediately up in arms, citing disappointment with “being sidelined” and “Chinese involvement”. What’s going on?
Surviving in the Australian bush

As the rental crisis deepens, news is surfacing of our own version of Nomadland. Homeless people are forced into remote campsites and mixing in with the grey nomad crowd who are facing – once again – COVID border closures. The call of the Australian outback is real for many but does reality match up?
Healthy ecosystems = happy planet

World Environment Day 2021 is calling for urgent action to revive damaged ecosystems. From forests to wetlands to coasts, healthy ecosystems are crucial to our wellbeing. Now, global restoration is on the cards – and it’s being tackled on a massive scale. Here’s what to expect…
No freedom for refugees

The budget just allocated billions more to immigration detention. A few days ago, new legislation was passed that could see refugees detained indefinitely. All that comes among reports that some refugees have been waiting many years for their claims to be asylum cases to be decided. What will happen to them now?
World forging ahead on climate action

The government may be hellbent on backing coal and gas projects, but there is plenty of positive environment news. Australia’s largest companies have joined forces to fight the war on plastic while Tesla is going hard on Bitcoin. And did you know our planet is home to 50 billion birds?
Australia’s foreign aid spend lowest it’s ever been

Australia’s foreign aid as a share of national income has hit an all-time low. Right now, we are investing the least ever in overseas aid. With the ongoing pandemic wrecking the lives of millions in India alone, shouldn’t we be increasing our spend to help vulnerable countries deal with COVID?
Adversity setting up kids for hardship

Most children can name 10 letters by the time they’re five. Now, a new study shows that a proportion of Australian kids don’t have the skills they need to learn to read, setting them behind before they even enter primary school. Why is this and what can be done
Aim high, go fast

Australia must triple its emissions cuts within the next decade to protect us from the impacts of climate change finds a new Climate Council report. Scientists have warned about rising emissions for decades and it has now come to a point where inaction is no longer an option.
Ending Aboriginal deaths in custody

Three decades on from the royal commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, the situation has worsened. Since the report’s findings were originally handed down in 1991, a further 474 Indigenous Australians have been killed in custody – five of those occurring last month. Here, we look at the full picture…